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  1. Judyxoxo

    Judyxoxo Porn Surfer

    Mar 21, 2009
    This Story is 100 % TRUE !!! No lies Just Truth

    When i was younger (around 13) my mom, little brother and i lived with

    her and her son. my and aunt and i were very close

    (my mom was always working). my brother and her son were

    also very close and went to the same school and had the same friends;

    and i remember this one night they were spending the night at their

    friends house and my mom and her were drinking (in the kitchen)and i

    was just there watching t.v(in the living room((a room over))) and it

    was very late at night around 2:00 a.m I'll say (morning if you will)

    and my aunt comes in and sits on the couch and sits right beside me

    and asked me "Do you have any boyfriends??" and i answered "no"

    "Girlfriends??" my aunt asked ''NO!!!''. My aunt laughed and asked

    "have you even had your first kiss???" and responded "no" and immediately

    my aunt leaned in and kissed me ;me a little bit freaked out, but a

    little bit curious i didnt stop the kiss and i made the best of it and let

    it go on; i finally pulled back in rememberance of my mother being here

    and said "wait, what if my mom sees us??" "your mother is passed out

    drunk sweetie"

    she answered and put her left hand on my left boob and held it as she

    leaned in for another kiss, as we were making out (now laying down on the

    sofa) she started to unbutton my pants but i stopped her and asked

    "Are you sure my mom is out ??''

    and she said "sure as hell" and continued to unbutton my jeans she got

    them off and started touching my pussy (outside of my panties)

    (i was breathing heavily by this time) then she pulled my panties to a side

    and began licking & toungue fucking me (i almost lost it when i felt her

    warm tounge sliding in my pussy) she then stopped to ask me if i would like

    to try i said yes in curiousity. she then took off her pants and undies right

    in front of me and came up above me; a knee to the side of each ear and

    lowered down just above my face and said ''taste me''

    i started to lick everywhere didn't know where exacly but the sound of my

    aunts moans where telling me i was getting it she then asked "how does it

    taste ???" and i said "wonderfull" i kept licking untill her

    moans started getting louder and louder and yelled "DON'T STOP !!!" so i

    didn't she then squirted all over my face (thinking it was pee)

    i got up and said "ewww...you peed on..."

    and before i knew it my aunt was

    by my side kissing me ... and said "sorry,but you better clean up " i

    headed to the shower as my

    aunt moped the floor. still thinking of what just happen i "took a bath"

    (played with myself) when

    i got out my aunt was sound asleep i too fell asleep (so i tried) my mind

    was keeping me up thinking

    of what i just did with my aunt it felt so good ... i then dozed off...when i

    woke up i went to the kitchen

    and my aunt was cooking breakfast (my mom was heading off to work)

    and acted as if nothing happened last night.

    I didn't think she remembered at first but i knew she remembered when

    she grabbed my ass as i walk by her.

    Nothing ever happened again but when i remind her now she looks at me
    and blushing and says no. i know she may
    not want to do it anymore but i will always remember and will never forget.

    PROPS TO bratguy89: For Helping with his opinion
    • Like Like x 1
    1. cumgulper
      I absolutely loved it. Give me another one.
      cumgulper, Nov 13, 2015
  2. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    AWESOME PLOT, I liked it.
  3. Tabuu

    Tabuu Porn Surfer

    Mar 19, 2009
    Did Not even Know, what Gender the author is untill He Or She mention "boob"......extremely Bad writing.....Should let the audience Knows what gender U are, the Moment the story start, NOT HALF WAY THRU...:mad::confused:
  4. johnsonlo

    johnsonlo Newcumer

    Mar 26, 2009
    nice..really good
  5. marclind38

    marclind38 Porno Junky

    Feb 28, 2008

    :excited:What a great introduction. Something to remember for a lifetime.:kiss::kiss::kiss:
  6. jamie9988

    jamie9988 Porn Surfer

    Jan 6, 2009
    learn english retard
  7. ssaassoouu

    ssaassoouu Newcumer

    Mar 26, 2009
    nice..really good
  8. yo1arrydabomb

    yo1arrydabomb Porno Junky

    Aug 8, 2008
    I was confused.

    your a what? female?
  9. Judyxoxo

    Judyxoxo Porn Surfer

    Mar 21, 2009
    Yeah Judy is a girls name (username)
  10. Judyxoxo

    Judyxoxo Porn Surfer

    Mar 21, 2009
    oh yeah cause this story is in Spanish ..wait i think its German or Japanese ....fucking dumbass
  11. Judyxoxo

    Judyxoxo Porn Surfer

    Mar 21, 2009
    yeah i know a bunch of boys named Judy (being sarcastic) check the username I'm pretty sure "Judy" is a girls name
    • Like Like x 1
  12. tutu3

    tutu3 Newcumer

    Mar 26, 2009
    very nice
  13. mrniceguy65

    mrniceguy65 Amateur

    Oct 2, 2008
    Besides her username which was obviously a woman, has your Aunt asked you if you have any boyfriends ?
  14. fredginger

    fredginger Porn Surfer

    Oct 23, 2008
    is it realy ture? humm i wonder
  15. entiman

    entiman Porn Surfer

    Mar 30, 2009
    nice , but it was kind of a kinder surprise
  16. Coldcase187

    Coldcase187 Sex Lover

    Feb 8, 2009
    Take it easy on her. It's her first story. I would not say the writing was 'extremely bad' at all.

    That said... You have the bones of a good story there. Here is my advice.

    Keep what you have and;

    1. As Tabuu said, albeit rudely, state your gender up front. You can do this by saying something like 'When I was barely a teenaged girl or shortly after I began menstruating..' You get the idea.

    2.Talk about things like your breast size, curvy hips, etc. 13 year olds are sexy. Turn the reader on. :)

    3. Add more detail through out the story to flesh it out a bit. How did you feel when your aunt touched you? Scared? Turned on? Guilty? All of the above? How about when it was over?

    Good luck. I think you have a good story there.
  17. Inspiron123

    Inspiron123 Newcumer

    Apr 5, 2009
    Its good like for first time ;]
  18. dinolgsaceh

    dinolgsaceh Newcumer

    Apr 12, 2009
    greeting to meet you. i want join with you now. oke..

  19. Silas88

    Silas88 Amateur

    Jul 20, 2008
    Thanks for sharing Judy. I enjoyed reading it.
  20. Hitman Sammy Sam

    Hitman Sammy Sam Porno Junky

    Sep 19, 2008
    Kind of weird